What's Happening At SaveCo? October Edition

Charity Partners

1) Age UK Bradford

A heartfelt thank you to all of our customers who continue to support Age UK with checkout donations.

How To Donate

SaveCo Online now features a donation facility on the checkout page of its website where customers can make a voluntary donation from as little as 20p. Every little helps so please donate generously! 


2) Nazim Ali Foundation

At SaveCo, we take immense pride in supporting Nazim and the launch of the Nazim Ali Foundation. Nazim has been busy this month! 

Creating Smiles Gifts Initiative

Together, we ensure that thousands of pounds worth of gifts reach the hands of poorly children at Bradford Royal Infirmary and Airedale Hospital.

Curry Circle Gifts

Nazim distributed gifts and chocolates to the beneficiaries of the curry circle food provision. In an effort to spread the message of peace to celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammed(PBUH).

Gifts in Keighly

It was wonderfull to see Nazim bringing smiles to the faces of the general public in Keighley, while handing out roses and chocolates.


2) Green Crescent

We are proud to be supporting Green Crescent in their charitable efforts in Africa. Volunteers have been in Malawi this month and have put smiles on lots of faces, while distributing sweets to young children. We look forward to continuing our support for them. Keep up the good work! 

Community Support

1) Bowling Baptist Cricket Club

 SaveCo Bradford as the official Kit Sponsor of Bowling Baptist Cricket Club.Find out More


2) Too Good to Go

SaveCo is pleased with the success of our ongoing partnership with Too Good To Go, the UK's leading surplus food redistribution service. 

Since the partnership in 2020, we have supplied hundreds of low cost 'Magic Bags' containing products that have expired but not passed their 'use-by' date, to customers rather than destroying them. Find out More


3) JKN Outreach

A bit of 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 to make a 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦!

At SaveCo we now have food donation points where you can donate food for those struggling within the Bradford community.

JKN Outreach have the aim of actively seeking to provide help to some of the most vulnerable and less fortunate members of the Bradford community.

A huge thanks to our SaveCo Cash & Carry generous customers for filling up the JKN food bank collection basket and donation box.

A nice £43.07 collected in January, that will go towards tackling food insecurity.

Next time you're in-store, leave a few items in the JKN food bank donation basket and spare a bit of change to help JKN continue their charitable work. Donate in Store


4) My Healthy Mind

Over the past few months SaveCo have teamed up with health and well being coach and consultant Ashfaq Ahmed from MyHealthyMind to deliver mental health awareness sessions.

These are mental health awareness sessions which equip senior leaders in organisations to spot signs of mental ill health at an early stage and support staff in getting the support they need. It also equips SLT with knowledge to have the confidence to deal with issues around mental health that may arise in the workplace.

MyHealthyMind’s mission is to create a support-model based around the needs of diverse communities, thus reducing stigma associated with mental health in diverse communities.

MyHealthyMind has been set up to assist diverse communities in accessing the support they require with mental health challenges that they may face individually, as a family and as a community.

MyHealthyMind’s primary goal is around early intervention and ensuring all members of diverse communities can access support early and be able to live a healthy and balanced life, irrespective of whatever mental health challenges they may face or live with.

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