Seeing as the weather has gone from forecasts of snow to sunshine – sorry, we shouldn’t jinx it – it’s time to get the bbq fired up! We’ve featured a vibrant green marinade that you can put on absolutely anything you like and stick on the barbeque or under the grill. We’ve used lamb chops in this recipe but feel free to swap in prawns, chicken pieces, paneer, tofu – basically anything works here!
Whilst the marinade takes less than 5 minutes to make, you will have to leave the meat to marinate for a few hours but this results in the most tender, softest meat possible so be sure to marinate the meat in the morning so that it will be ready to bbq later in the day.

BBQ Lamb Chops Recipe
500g lamb chops*
3-5 green chillies
1 large bunch of coriander
1 large pinch of salt
1 tsp coriander powder
½ tsp cumin powder
2 tbsp yoghurt
1 tsp garlic paste
½ tsp ginger paste
1 tsp papaya paste **
Chaat masala, for garnish
* You can sub the lamb chops for anything you like here.
** The papaya paste acts as a meat tenderiser. If you don’t have any, you can use a kiwi instead or a meat tenderiser powder.
- In a food processor, blitz the green chillies and coriander together. Add in a little bit of water at a time until a paste forms.
- Add in the salt, coriander and cumin powder and blitz again until fully incorporated. Taste and adjust the marinade to your taste.
- In a bowl, mix together the lamb chops, papaya paste, garlic and ginger. Add in the green paste with yoghurt and mix together until all the lamb chops are fully smothered in the marinade. Cover in cling film and leave in the fridge for a few hours, ideally overnight.
- Remove the lamb chops from the fridge and get the barbeque/grill hot.
- Add the lamb chops to the grill making sure to give them a good brush with oil or melted butter as they cook.
- Once the chops are cooked, sprinkle with a little chaat masala and serve immediately.