Black Seed Oil – The Magical Oil

Ever heard of an oil that is used as a cure for various ailments, used in cooking, and a prime ingredient in beauty products? 

I’m pretty sure you won’t have heard of such an oil. Well, black seed oil is one oil wonder that is used in various industries for its benefits. 

You may have heard about black seed oil as a cure for joint pains, well you are in for revelations. 

What Is Black Seed? 

Black seeds originate from the plant Nigella Sativa, native to southern and eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia. 

This plant has a small shrub with 5 delicate white and pale blue petals. The seed of this plant is referred to as black seed or black caraway or Kalonji. People have been using it as a medicinal herb for thousands of years.

The Religious Importance Of Black Seed 

The importance of this little seed is further emphasised by Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). As narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah “ Black seeds have a cure for all illnesses, with the exception of death.” 

Hence black seed oil is used in Southeast Asia and Middle Eastern countries to cure ailments like diabetes, digestive issues, joint pain, etc. Early herb specialists referred to it as “the herb from heaven.”

The seed has also been mentioned in the Holy Bible and ancient Greek Medicine.

Medicinal Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil contains thymoquinone – a compound that supports health. Its various beneficial properties are:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiviral
  • Antioxidant
  • Antifungal
  • Hepatoprotective (prevents liver damage)
  • Analgesic (reduces pain)
  • Cytotoxic (anti-cancer)

These properties of black seed oil are very beneficial and help in the treatment of various diseases. People usually consume the oil in the form of capsules.

Disclaimer: Although research is being carried out highlighting benefits of Black Seed Oil, it should not be used in substitution of your prescribed medicines. Always check with your doctor before using.

Black Seed Oil For Skin Treatment

Various skin conditions like vitiligo, psoriasis, skin infections, eczema, acne, and even skin cancer can be treated with black seed oil.

Furthermore, black seed oil has been used for ages for healing wounds by reducing tissue damage. Its antibacterial property prevents bacteria from spreading, and as a result, scars are not formed.

It can also be used to treat minor burns, injuries, and wounds. However, consult a medical professional if the burn or wound is deep.

You can apply black seed oil as daily skin care, as it soothes, cleanses, and moisturises your skin. It may even prevent skin allergies.

Black Seed Oil For The Hair

Black seed oil is rich in amino fatty acids, hence regular use can moisturise your hair and scalp. It can even treat scalp wounds and a universal issue - hair loss. 

A recent study reveals that a mixture of coconut oil and black seed oil resulted in the reduction of up to 76% hair fall. 

It is even used in hair products such as shampoos, and hair masks to enhance hair’s texture, shine, strength, and volume.

Black Seed Oil As A Supplement 

People often take black seed oil as a supplement to manage obesity and metabolic disorders. Latest research suggests that regular consumption may reduce body weight and BMI.

Black Seed Oil To Reduce Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a condition that can increase the chances of getting heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure. 

A study revealed that consuming black seed oil regularly reduces blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and diabetes.

Black Seed Oil To Reduce Seasonal Allergies

A large number of people suffer from different allergies, the most common of them being allergic rhinitis (hay fever). 

Taking black seed oil capsules has shown tremendous improvement by reducing allergy symptoms in around 92% of people as per a small study.

Black Seed Oil As An Anticancer Agent

Black seed oil is referred to as a “safe and promising anticancer agent”. Researchers believe that this herb has the potential to fight against various types of cancers.

Black Seed Oil To Improve Lung Health

Asthma is caused by inflammation in the lungs. Black seed oil’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation in the lungs and relieve asthma symptoms.

Uses Of Black Seed Oil In The Culinary World 

As awareness about the amazing nutrient profile of black seed oil is spreading, it is gradually taking over the other healthier counterpart – olive oil.

Just like olive oil, black seed oil too is great for your heart, joints, and brain, and fights inflammation in your body better than olive oil. 

How To Cook With Black Seed Oil?

You must be aware of a few know-hows before starting to cook with black seed oil to attain most of its benefits.

  • It has a low smoke point, therefore avoiding frying or high-temperature cooking.
  • Black seed oil has a strong flavour profile – a bit nutty and bitter. Therefore, if you are new to it, you should start by using it in small quantities. Or you can incorporate it into dishes with a high flavour profile.
  • Store in a cool dry place to maintain its nutritional value.

Ways To Use Black Seed Oil In Cooking 

Here are some ways to incorporate black seed oil into your cooking

As Salad Dressing 


  • Black seed oil - 1 tbsp
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Pepper - ¼ tsp


Mix all these ingredients in a bowl and whisk well. Pour it on any of your favourite salads and enjoy.

Black Seed Oil With Hummus 

Make your traditional hummus with a healthier twist. This version of hummus brings a slightly robust and bitter flavour due to the presence of black seed oil. Though it complements well with chickpeas and tahini’s creamy velvety texture.


  • Black seed oil - 1 tbsp
  • Tahini - 2 tbsp
  • Boiled chickpeas - 2 cups
  • Garlic clove - 1
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Salt and pepper - as per taste


Add all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Drizzle some more black seed oil and garnish with paprika powder and whole black seeds.

Black Seed Oil Infused Tea

A cup of black seed oil-infused tea brings a therapeutic effect on the mind and body. Whether green tea or herbal tea. A tablespoon of black seed oil not only enhances tea’s flavour, but also acts as a healing potion.


  • Hot water - 1 cup
  • Black seed oil - 1 tbsp
  • Tea bag - 1  (herbal or green tea)
  • Lemon or honey for added flavour -  optional


Just add a tbsp of black seed oil after your tea is ready. Add lemon juice or honey for that extra sweet and zesty flavour.

Wrap Up 

Although black seed oil might be a new ingredient in your pantry, the black seeds have themselves been used for centuries for multiple purposes like healing, prevention, and adding flavour to the food. 

Although research is still being carried out regarding its effectiveness, the initial results are promising. It is showing encouraging symptoms for different health concerns. 

However, black seed oil isn’t yet a substitute for prescribed medicine. You may consult your doctor before taking black seed oil supplements.

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