Understanding The Understated: Health Benefits Of Guava

Oranges are the best source of Vitamin C - that is a popular belief. 

Now I will debunk it. Did you know that guavas contain way more Vitamin C than oranges? 

According to research, 100g of guavas provide about 183 mg of Vitamin C, whereas oranges only provide 50 mg.

Guava is a tropical fruit that grows in dry, humid weather. Although it is native to Central America, many tropical and subtropical regions have adapted it. It now grows in many regions of the world.

The shape of guava is usually round like a tennis ball but sometimes is oval as well. 

Its texture is similar to pears but they are slightly more on the crunchier side. Their taste is somewhat sweet and close to tropical fruit flavour.

Not only are the guavas rich in Vitamin C, but they are packed with fibre, amino acids, antioxidants, pectin, and minerals like manganese and magnesium.

The best thing about guavas is that the fruit is a rich source of nutrients, while the leaves are also edible. Uniquely, they play an important role in curing many diseases. 

With so many benefits, it won’t be wrong to say that guavas are the most understated fruit.

Guava - The Understated Fruit

This green or yellow coloured fruit can be a very healthy addition to one’s daily diet.

Not only the edible seeds and vitamin-rich pulp can be eaten raw, but they can be used as jam, or incorporated into desserts. 

The leaves of the guava fruit offer medicinal properties that help boost one's immunity, improve digestion, regulate blood sugar, and have several health benefits. Moreover, the leaves of guava trees can be infused in making herbal teas.

All in all, consuming the whole fruit regularly can benefit the body in many ways. So, let's explore the various health benefits associated with guava.

Nutritional Facts Of A Guava

Let’s take a peek at the nutritional value of guava. 

A guava that weighs around 55 g, contains over 250% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C apart from the presence of other health-supporting nutrients like potassium, copper, and magnesium.

A guava contains:

  • Calories - 37
  • Fibre - 6.3 g
  • Fat - 0.52 g
  • Carbohydrates - 7.86 g
  • Total sugar - 4.9 g
  • Protein - 1.4 g
  • Magnesium - 12.1 mg
  • Potassium - 229 mg
  • Copper - 127 micrograms 
  • Vitamin C - 125 mg
  • Phosphorus - 16 mg

Daily Dose

Guavas can be eaten raw or added to juices, jams, desserts, smoothies, etc. Guava leaves can be infused to make herbal teas and can be consumed for medicinal purposes.


The recommended daily intake of guava is 2 to 3 portions, which equals to around 160g and 200g.

Health Benefits Of Guava 

  1. Improves Digestion 

Of the many health benefits of guava, the foremost is it improves digestion, as it is a rich source of fibre. 

Fibre helps in stimulating bowel movement and hence your constipation woes will be addressed instantly. If consumed with the peel, it helps in combating stomach acidity and resolves all gastric issues.

Simultaneously, the guava leaf extract is also beneficial for digestive health. Its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the intensity and duration of diarrhoea.

Its antimicrobial property can fight the harmful microbes in your gut that irritate.

2. Keeps Your Heart Healthy 

Two things directly affect the health of our heart, blood pressure and cholesterol. Guavas keep a check on both.

The high antioxidant content in guavas protects heart health by lowering the blood pressure. It improves vascular function by relaxing the blood vessels. 

The high content of potassium in guavas helps in the excretion of sodium through urine, this also keeps the blood pressure in control.

Secondly, this fruit is rich in soluble fibre such as pectin and vitamin C, which in turn eliminates the bad cholesterol (LDL). This reduces its level in the blood.

Due to the antioxidants present in guavas, it prevents the oxidation of bad cholesterol and simultaneously maintains the level of good cholesterol (HDL).

3. Relieves Menstrual Cramps

The anti-inflammatory effects of the guava leaf extract provide a natural way to reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps. 

One recent study found that guava leaf extract can be more beneficial than painkillers in dealing with menstrual cramps.

4. Regulates Blood Sugar

The high levels of fibre and antioxidants present in guava can help regulate blood sugar levels. 

Studies have revealed regular intake of guava leaf extracts improves insulin resistance and long-term blood sugar control. 

If a diabetic person takes guava leaf tea after meal times, the blood sugar level tends to reduce by over 10%. Hence it is highly recommended for diabetic patients.

5. Great Immunity Booster

Guavas are bursting with vitamin C, the nutrient essential for fighting against bacteria and maintaining your immunity. 

Vitamin C produces infection-fighting white blood cells. Hence, adding guavas to your daily diet will help resist viruses and bacteria.

6. Promotes Healthier Skin 

The huge amount of antioxidants and vitamins present in guavas protects the skin from damage caused by the sun’s UV rays. The antioxidants slow down the ageing process by preventing wrinkles.

Guavas take care of your skin from the outside, its leaf extract may help in treating acne when applied directly on your skin.

7. Aids In Weight Loss 

Guavas are rich in fibre such as pectin, which helps in keeping you full and keeping your cravings under control. 

One guava contains only 37 calories, therefore you can easily incorporate it into your meal plans by having it as a low-calorie snack between meals. 

8. May Work As an Anticancer Agent

Reports suggest that guava leaf extract has been shown to have an anticancer effect, most probably due to the high levels of antioxidants present in the leaf. These antioxidants may prevent or even stop the growth of cancer cells

One such test-tube study revealed that guava leaf was four times more effective in stopping the growth of cancer cells than certain cancer drugs.

However, these studies are still in the initial stages, hence one can not just rely on guava leaves to cure cancer. 

9. Acts As an Antidepressant  

Guava leaf extract contains relaxing, anti-anxiety properties, it lowers the stress hormones in the body as a result you feel calm and relaxed. It is a great way of taking care of mental well-being.

Wrap Up 

Guava might seem like a small fruit, but it is packed with nutrients. Being a low-calorie fruit, guava has gained immense popularity due to the powerful nutrients that it contains. 

People have incorporated this fruit into their diet as it reduces blood sugar control, and heart issues, helps in weight management, and eases digestion. 

Simultaneously, having a single guava provides you with more than your daily dose of vitamin C, as it is bursting with vitamin C. 

Guavas have not been associated with any potential risks or adverse effects, however, it may cause a drop in blood glucose levels. Hence, people on diabetic medicine may consult their doctors before integrating it into their daily diets. 

Likewise, consuming too much guava at one time may also cause stomach problems in certain individuals, moderation is the key. 

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