Ginger and Garlic Paste

The importance of ‘Lehsan adrak’ ka paste in Pakistani/Indian cuisines is nothing less than salt. 

We, the desis can't think of creating or cooking any dish without adding this essential ingredient to our recipes.

‘Lehsan’ by the way, is Garlic, and ‘Adrak’ is Ginger.

I still remember my grandmother using mortar and pestle to grind fresh ginger and garlic along with other spices to add to the daily daal and sabzi curries.

Fast forward to today's fast-paced times, the blended version of ginger garlic paste has taken its place. 

Although it can not beat the aroma and taste of freshly ground ginger garlic, homemade ginger garlic paste is still way better than the store-bought one.

Preparing and storing ginger garlic paste beforehand saves you a lot of time. You can also retain the fresh aroma and taste of ginger garlic paste just by following a few tips and tricks. 

What Is The Ratio Of Ginger and Garlic?

A fact about garlic is that when ground to a paste, garlic increases in volume, whereas ginger, when ground to a paste, reduces in volume. 

However, since ginger has a very pungent flavour profile compared to garlic, I prefer using it at a ratio of 3:2.

With 3 parts of garlic and 2 parts of ginger. This gives the ginger garlic paste a perfect, well-balanced taste. 

You can, however, use it in the ratio of 1:1 or as per your preference.

How To Peel Ginger and Garlic?

Garlic - Peeling garlic cloves may seem a daunting task, but once you get a hang of it, there will be no looking back. Also, your nails become so shiny - win-win! 

There are a couple of ways to peel garlic and you can choose whichever method suits you best. 

  1. Apply oil on the garlic pods and place them under the hot sun for around 20-30 mins; you will notice the skin coming off easily from each pod.
  2. You can also use a pestle or any hard object. Hit it on the head of the whole garlic bulb, and the skin will start to come off easily, making it easier to peel by hand.
  3. Soak the garlic pods in a jar containing hot water for 5 minutes. Rigorously shake the garlic pods. Rinse the water, and you will notice the skin coming off easily. 

I use method number three because it is faster. 

Ginger - Soak the ginger root in water for 15-20 mins. The dirt on the ginger will easily scrub off. Use a spoon to scrape off the skin; the softened skin will come off easily. It is easier to peel off the ginger than using a peeler.

How To Prepare Ginger Garlic Paste At Home 

Before learning how to store ginger garlic paste, for longer periods, let us first learn how to prepare it at home to get that smooth consistency.

I follow my mom’s recipe to make this paste and believe me, I just have to prepare it twice a year as one batch easily lasts me for 6 months (I store it in the freezer).


  • Ginger - 2.00 lbs
  • Garlic -  3.00 lbs
  • Oil - 3 tbsp 
  • Edible rock salt - 2 tsp


  • Peel the garlic cloves and set them aside. Make sure to discard the garlic cloves that have wilted or have a black powdery substance on them.
  • Cut the peeled ginger into small cubes or roughly chop it and add it to the bowl containing garlic.
  • Add them in a high-speed blender or food processor and grind them. 
  • The mixture will be rough and uneven.
  • Add the oil and salt and again grind it. You will notice the mixture will start becoming smooth and paste-like.
  • This is due to the addition of oil in the grinding process.
  • Meanwhile, the salt acts as a preservative and prevents oxidation.

How To Store Ginger Garlic Paste For A Long Period

  • The prepared ginger garlic paste can easily last in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 weeks, and you can also freeze it to last for up to 5-6 months.
  • To freeze the paste, make sure you use a sterilised, air-tight glass jar, and make sure to tighten the lid so that the paste doesn’t come in contact with the air.
  • You can also use a silicone ice cube tray, fill it with the paste, and transfer the cubes into a Ziploc bag. I prefer this method because a cube is equal to a teaspoon and it really helps in how much to use in cooking. 
  • Another way is to fill a small glass jar with the paste and refrigerate it for daily use while storing the rest of the ginger garlic paste in the freezer. You can always refill the small glass jar from the frozen jar.

More Tips

  • It is always better to use organic garlic cloves as they are more flavourful and pungent compared to their Chinese counterparts. 
  • Use medium-sized garlic cloves as large cloves lack in taste and aroma whereas smaller cloves although full of flavour, are very difficult to peel.
  • Avoid dry, dense, or fibrous ginger. Prefer using fresh and tender ginger. Discard the ginger, if it smells awful.
  • For best results, use fresh ginger garlic paste, avoid using frozen ginger or garlic.
  • Refrain from using packaged peeled garlic as it may reduce the shelf life of your paste.
  • Do not add water to the paste while grinding as it will sputter when you add it in hot oil.
  • Salt and oil act as preservatives, and the paste doesn't discolour.
  • You can also substitute salt with sugar for any health concerns. 
  • Vinegar also acts as a preservative but it changes the colour to green.

Wrap Up 

Preparing homemade ginger garlic paste is not only time-saving but economical as well.

Although preparing the paste at home may seem like an uphill task, it is way better than the store-bought one. However, using store-bought or pre-made is also fine to use when you can’t just make the homemade ginger and garlic paste.

I prefer making ginger garlic paste at home as it is more economical, preservative-free, and does not have the pungent smell of vinegar that is used in store-bought ginger garlic paste. 

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