School’s Out – Fun Things To Do With Kids

The most awaited time of the year is here when we mothers get relief from the 6 o’clock wake-up duties. 

However, simultaneously this is also the time when we need to let out our creative sides to keep the kids busy and entertained. Or else be prepared to let them waste away their time in front of the screens.

Some families plan on visiting their home countries whereas others look for ideas and ways to keep their kids busy and engaged.

Since this year, we do not plan on visiting Pakistan, I have prepared a list of fun things that I plan to do with my kid during the summer vacations. My motto is to limit the screen time as much as possible. 

6 Fun Things for School’s Out Routine 

Start With a Healthy Breakfast

Summer holidays are the time of the year when you can give your child that healthy and nutritious breakfast that he was missing during school days.

During the morning rush, kids aren’t always big on eating a hearty healthy breakfast. They usually, take cereal, a peanut butter sandwich, or some just resort to a glass of milk. 

However, now you can make your kids have that healthy breakfast that would keep them energised throughout the morning.

But make sure to include kids in preparing these innovative breakfast ideas.

  • Rainbow Pancakes - you can turn out the plain old pancakes into rainbow pancakes. The only added ingredient will be four different food colours. Ask your child to add a drop of food colour to the pancake batter in separate bowls. The kids love experimenting with colour and will enjoy preparing different coloured pancakes. Once ready, stack them over each other top with some whipped cream, maple syrup, and fresh berries. I am sure the kids will love this special breakfast.
  • Egg Muffins - my child is not an egg lover, however, this is one way she enjoys having her eggs. I ask my daughter to pour the whisked egg into the muffin tray, top it with some cheese and mushrooms, and ta-daa the egg muffins disappear in a jiff.  
  • Healthy cookies with oats, fruits, and nuts - In your usual cookie dough, add oats, raisins, or other nuts to add a chewy new flavour to the cookies. 
  • Smoothies with fresh fruit like berries, bananas, and yoghurt - If your child likes yoghurt, they sure would love having colourful fruits, berries, and granola in yoghurt.  
  • Assign Chores For The Day

    With spare time and no assignment, you can use this time wisely to incorporate healthy habits like chore responsibilities. 

    I like to introduce chores that they can continue doing even after the holiday ends. Initially, they might not enjoy it, but once they feel that the given task is a responsibility and they are big enough to get responsibilities, they will feel pride in fulfilling the task.

    Make your kid responsible of: 

    • Dusting the furniture once a week
    • Ask them to empty the trash
    • Rinse the dishes with you or even fill/empty the dishwasher
    • Fold away small garments
    • Setting the table 

    These are just some examples of the chores you can assign them during the day. But make sure to change the chores every other day, as they tend to get bored of performing the same tasks every day.

    Outdoor Activities 

    With the house chores all done and a neat house, you will get energised to spend leisure time with your kids. You can utilise this time by taking the kids out of the home for different physical activities. For example:

    • Take a stroll - walking in an area surrounded by nature is a wonderful way of releasing your energy. A stroll in the park with your kid will not only bring your kid closer to nature but a different kind of bond will be formed between you and your kid.
    • Swimming - summer and swimming go hand in hand. Enroll your kid in swimming lessons. The kids will enjoy a splash in the water in the hot scorching heat. Moreover, swimming builds stamina in kids hence, your child will not only feel refreshed but will become stronger as well.
    • Cycling - cycling is another way of getting close to Mother Nature. Make sure to take your kid to different scenic cycling tracks. You can even race up a competition between yourself and your kid to encourage him to cycle better and faster.

    Plan An Activity/Indoor Activities

    Kids love experimenting with new crafts. Various activities can be done with things around the house. I allot an hour in the evening to try some new activity with my kid.

    Sometimes we make a cereal box aquarium, paper airplanes/boats, etc. We have even made a tissue box monster and toilet paper roll butterflies. 

    The internet is full of ideas for DIY art and crafts for kids. I usually check the internet for such interesting ideas and then we follow them.

    Include Them In Preparing Dinner

    After spending the whole day doing different activities with mama, the kids feel obliged to help their mama’s in preparing dinner. I keep my daughter busy in the kitchen by giving her small tasks like washing the vegetables, peeling cucumbers for salad, etc. 

    You can ask your kid to spread the table while you are busy putting the finishing touches to the food. 

    After dinner you can distribute the work between them, for example, you can do the dishes while your kid can clean away the table. The kids should be given the first choice, this makes them happier that they have chosen the task according to their preference.

    Reflection Hour 

    After a long tiring day with the kids, it’s finally bed o’clock. But this hour holds special importance for my kid during the summer break, as there is no rush to make her sleep.

    I make it a point to make her count all the blessings. Then I let her express the feelings that she experienced throughout the day. If someone hurt her feelings or if she had hurt someone's feelings.

    This way she repents her mistakes and learns to correct her actions. I feel this one-to-one time that we spend together before bedtime is gradually making my kid a better person.

    Then I tuck her in and she picks up her favourite book to read before falling asleep.

    Wrap Up

    This way a productive day with my kid, during the summer break comes to an end. Although I must say that this routine has ups and downs, some days it goes completely berserk. 

    But gladly though, most of the days we manage to hold on to this routine.

    Since I have been following this routine, summer break with my kid does not seem as dreary as it once used to seem. 

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